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Japan Travel MemoMiso > Miso-based dips and spreads

Miso-based dips and spreads

Miso-based dips and spreads
Miso makes an outstanding complement to other other seasonings and sauces. The natural preservatives in miso mean that miso-based dips or spreads will keep for a long time in your refrigerator. Miso also lends itself well to blending with other seasonings, so you can come up with our own original recipes.

The number of dishes you can make with miso is limited only by your imagination. Miso adds zest to your favorite dishes and opens a whole new world of cooking possibilities.

Miso honey
3 tbsps. mame miso. 2 tbsps. honey.
MIso butter
2 tbsps. kome miso. 5 oz. butter.
Miso mayonnaise
5 tbsps. kome miso. 4-1/2 tbsps. mayonnaise.
1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Modify the ingredients to suit the type of miso you prefer.

Miso meat sauce
1-1/3 oz. ground porl. 3-1/2 oz. onions, finely chopped. 1 tbsp garlic, finely chopped.
a. 5 tbsps. mame miso. b. 9 tbsps. kome miso. c. 1 tbsp. soy sauce. d. 10 tbsps. water. e. 2 tbsps. sugar. Black pepper (a pinch)
1. Place ingredients a. to e. in a bowl and mix into a paste. Heat the oil in a saucepan and saute' the garlic.
2. Mix in the onions and saute' for a few seconds, then add the pork and continue to stir.
3. Pour in the miso sauce and slowly boil down until it becomes a thick sauce.
4. Sprinkle with black pepper.

Salad with miso mayonnaise
1. Obtain some scallops or other seafood and some of your favorite salad vegetables.
2. Toss a pinch of salt and pepper to the seafood and saute' on both sides in oil.
3. Prepare the salad vegetables an necessary, arrange on a plate and top with the seafood.
4. Pour the miso mayonnaise over the salad just before serving.

Pasta with miso meat sauce
Miso meat sauce goes well with any sort of pasta. When making a pasta dish with the sauce poured on top, first lightly toss the cooked pasta in a pot with melted butter or oil.

Toast with miso butter
1. Warm a slice of bread in an oven-toaster or toaster range.
2. Take out the bread, spread evenly with a thin layer of miso butter and retoast to your liking. Take out the toast and spread on another layer of miso butter.
3. Make a slight well in the center of the toast and top with a poached or fried egg.

Potatoes with miso mayonnaise
Miso mayonnaise goes well with any type of potato dish - boiled, fried or baked. For an extra zing in fried or saute'ed dishes, try adding a little vinegar.

Japan Travel Memo