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The biggest and smallest dinosaur

People usually think dinosaurs are very big and huge. The largest dinosaur is the Bruhathkayosaurus. It was found in India. It is about 44m long. It is about the height of a seven-story building.

But some dinosaurs can sleep in your bed. How? The smallest dinosaur is about the size of a dog. It is the Compsognathus and it is only about 1m long. And it weighs about 2.5kg. It was found in Germany and France.

Would you like to walk this dinosaur in the park?


  1. What do people usually think about dinosaurs?
    a. They are short and little.
    b. They are huge.
  2. How big is the largest dinosaur?
    a. It is about as big as a ten-story building.
    b. It is about as big as a seven-story building.